How Should You Interact With Customers? Our Washington DC Customer Service Training Experts Have the Answer
Here are four ways to improve the quality of your company’s customer service:
1. Utilize the Element of Surprise
Reciprocity isn’t directly correlated to cost. The secret ingredient is truly the element of surprise. The impact of kindness is greater when it comes from an element of surprise.
By finding opportunities to surprise customers with a follow-up freebie that’s unexpected will bring a greater connection with the customer.
Our Washington DC Customer Service Training Experts are Ready to Help!
2. Find Common Ground
People tend to like people who are like them. You develop better relationships with your customers when you develop a connection with them.
By finding a common ground where you and the customer share a commonality, you are in a much better position to provide a higher level of customer service
to all of your customers.
3. All Complaints Are Warranted Regardless of How Silly They Might Be
Customer complaints happen with every company – however the key is what you do with these customer complaints. Data shows that over 70% of customers are willing to be repeat customers as long as they have their issue solved the first time around. Additionally, on many occasions customers who file complaints wind up being the most loyal customers in the long run.
Make sure that you keep a record of all customer complaints, especially since only 1 out of 20 customers
4. Get Out of Their Way
On occasion the best thing you can do for a customer is nothing – just letting the customer sell themselves on you.
Using content as a form of service is not only helpful for those customers who tend to prefer self-service as well as for informing those customers who are interested in digging deeper into your product.